Rhinoplasty or nose job is surgical procedure that can reshape the nose aesthetically and can fix funcional problem like snoaring or hard breathing and septum deviation.
There are different techniques that can be done for performing nose job:
- Closed rhinoplasty: In this technique, incisions are inside of the patients’ nose anda re hidden. With this technique can fix the nostrils problems and is good for people who just want to fix their nostrils.
- Open rhinoplasty: In this technique will make incision on the columella and soft tissue that connects to the nostrils. It is better to use this technique when you want to approach different shape on total shape of the nose and ant to have better contouring.
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Treatment Duration
Nose job surgery takes 1-2.5 hours and will be done under general anaesthetic or sedation.
At the same day of surgery or 1 day after the surgery will be discharged.
The result of this surgical treatment is permanent.
Possible Complications
Note: After the surgery there will be bandages on the nose and after 6 days after the surgery will be removed. The stiches are absorbable, just a few of them on 06th days after the surgery will be removed.
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