Kidney Stone Removal
Kidney Stones or renal calculi, nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis are hard minerals and salts deposites that can shape because of diet ad medicine or supplements. It cause very big pain on the waste and kidney areas.
Kidney stones removal is a surgical procedure that is done under general anaesthetic. It can be done by laser to break Stones to the small parts. percutaneous nephrolithotomy will be done by small instruments from back side to reach to the kidneys and will follow it up on monitor.
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Treatment Duration
It can take from 1-3 hours.
After the surgery at the same day or 1 day later will discharge.
There won’t be any visible scar.
Possible Complications
Note: After the surgery needs to use so much water at least 3 liters per day and should control kidneys every 6 months.
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