Face Lift
In according to the aging and gravity effect, the skin and fat deposition on the face is comming down and gives saggy appearance to the face. With facelift surgery can lift up the muscle to the correct place and remove the extra skin. With this surgery can get 10-20 years younger.
There are different techniques to do face lift:
- SMAS Facelift (Rhytidectomy):
With this face lift technique will lift up SMAS muscle and remove the extra skin to give younger appearance to the face. This technique is using superficial musculoaponeurotic system, that is the thin layer of fibers and cover the anterior of face and neck.
During this procedure, will seperate the skin layer from smas muscle and lift the muscle up and remove the extra skin with the scar under the hair line and around the ear to abck sides of the ear. It is done under general anaesthetic.
Treatment Duration
Possible Complications