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Chin And Jaw Reduction

Chin and jaw reduction is a surgical procedure that is done under general anaesthetic and the incision is inside of th emouth to reach the bone for shaving and reach more softer and rounder chin and jaaw areas. With this surgical treatment can make more rounder and samller chin and jaw areas. Somwtimes bone breaking will be needed that is more aggressive surgical procedure and the healing will take more time.

The goal of this surgical treatment eis to acheive more rounder mandbular and smaller lower face.

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Transgenders' Operations

Treatment Duration

Chin and jaw reduction surgery takes 2-3 hours and will be done under general anaesthetic and the incision will be inside of the mouth.


After the surgery 1 night will be needed to hospitalized.


The result of this surgical treatment is permanent.

Possible Complications

As it is in doctor’s hand cannot predict excatly how much will be decreased from the bone size and doctor will do his best to make good satisfied result.
Note: The stiches that are used are inside of the mouth and absorbable. Just for 3 days after the surgery have to do mouth washing and use soft foods.
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Transgenders' Operations

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