BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift)
During this surgical process for having rounder and more in ashape butt will transfer the fat which is removed from other parts of body like abdomen, thighs, arms, … to the hip area or butt area. This fat will injected to the layer under the skin on top of the muscle.
For this surgery we have to use conventional or traditional liposuction supporting by waterjet to survive the fat cells and transfer to buttocks and hips.
For reaching better result will need to be done very good liposuction to make beautiful S curve.
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Treatment Duration
It can take 1-6 hours as it will combie with lipouction. It can be done under local, sedation and general anaesthetic.
If there will be big area liposuction then 1 night need to be hospitalized, otherwise can be discharged at the same day of operation.
As the fat cells are some part of our own body and are not materials from out of our body will be useful and cannot make big risk for our body. Also there is embryotic cellss insid of fat extraction and can help for rejuvenation after 3 months after the surgery.
Possible Complications
50-60% of the fat cells that we transfered will absorb by body and go away after 6 months after the surgery but the rest will remain lifelong.
Note: After the surgery will need to use garment for at least 3-4 weeks and use water for the first week every day 3-4 liters and walk to prevent of embolization. You can start to go to the gym after 1 month. 3 month after the surgery 80% of the swelling will go away and final result can be seen after 6-12 months. Special sitting pillow can be used for 1 month to survive more transfered fat cells.
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